Friday, October 16, 2009

Tithing is hard for me. I've grown up tithing sometimes. Not all the time, but sometimes.

I haven't been going to church anywhere in Upland this year or anywhere in general because i've been traveling on most weekends. One thing i have thought about is, do i need to tithe if i don't go to church? I then thought to myself, thats a stupid question.

I tithe because i want to help people, whether that is a church or individuals. So i don't go to church, but i can save some money out of my paycheck to help people. Hopefully, i don't even think about it. Hopefully my natural instinct is just to help.

Tithing is less an action, and more a mindset of "I want to help anytime i can." If you think like that, you don't ever have to worry about tithing.

I'm in Chicago a lot. There's a lot of people who need time and food. So i help.

My brother is short a few bucks for his school books. So i help.

Things like that.

Another interesting thing i have been thinking about also is a lot of tithing goes to help "churches" run right? Why don't we stop buying buildings and paying for things we don't need to be paying for? Why dont we meet in houses and stuff? Isn't that what the early church did? Then tithing would take on a whole new meaning and i think it would look more like some of the examples i was spouting off earlier. Buildings seem un-necessary to me. And i grew up at Willow Creek Community Church. Scroll down to "Worship center" If that last sentance or picture made no sense to you.

Tithing to me is money set aside to help. What im getting at is i don't want to "set aside" money, i want to be able to use it whenever i can to help instead.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your thoughts and your honesty. I'm wondering if we sometimes have a wrong attitude about tithing. I'm thinking, if we read the OT correctly, that God desired—commanded—His people to return a tithe to Him. And when they didn't, He said they were "robbing" Him. What are your thoughts on this?


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