Thursday, December 10, 2009

Well Read

I'm confused again.

i was reading a blog the other day that was talking about the inerrancy of the Bible. He was talking about one passage that is mentioned several times in the Bible, about the events leading up to Jesus' death. It discusses the discrepancy's in the Bible description of the events, more specifically, the timing of the events. John's account of the event seems to say that the last supper that Jesus and his followers ate was not the passover meal, while the other accounts in the other Gospels says it was. How can both be right? Is there something i'm missing?

It's strange how many of us Christians can accept a "truth" about our religion, but never look into the matter or try to figure it out for ourselves. Anyone would tell you that that is stupid.

I don't know the answer to this question about the passover meal, but until i look into it, i cannot say that i know whether or not the Bible in inerrant because i haven't studied it all.

If we take our faith seriously, and i think a lot of us would say we do, then why don't we study it more? I see Christians get dominated in intellectual conversations all the time (there are some smart ones out there though...). A lot of us have no reasons why we believe what we believe, other than my parents passed it down or it "felt right". I'm sure Muslim's and Buddhist's have those same answers too. When are we going to start being different?

1 comment:

  1. Great ending question, Eric—when are we going to start being different? We do need to know what and why we believe, which is one of my purposes for having you write this blog. I hope it has persuaded you to explore your own faith more deeply.


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