Monday, October 26, 2009


I picked up my Bible and started reading what it says on the issue of divorce. I was a little shocked as to what i found.

Under the Mosaic law, It was alright to divorce your wife if you "find something that is displeasing about her" (Dt 24:1). All you needed to do was write a certificate and present it to her parents. Malachi 2:16 goes on to show God's heart though, ""I hate divorce," says the LORD God." Though i think this might be a metaphor for Israel, i think it still speaks of the act itself.

So, before Jesus came and changed a whole heck of a lot, God hated divorce, but it was not against the law.

Enter Jesus.

Jesus explains that at the beginning of creation, divorce was never meant to be. It is not natural. He explains that because the people of Israel's hearts were hard, he permitted them to do so. Now that the law is not in place, we are not permitted to divorce. The standards were raised but our salvation does not depend on the law, or what we do right or wrong, it depends on the grace of Jesus.We are now free to live the way God originally intended us to, even though the standards are too high for any of us. So if we divorce, we will not go to Hell, but it was never meant to be that way. A man and a woman become one. You cannot separate what is one.

In marriage, effort is the name of the game (i think...i have not been married yet). Divorce is a cop out. It's not living how God intended us. It does not bring life to the fullest. It sucks.

(Jesus Passages taken from Mark 10)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see that you're using your Bible for answers to these questions. That is the first place we should go for guidance.


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